Dutch Baby or Baked Pancake

Good morning. I’m reminiscing about our stay at Naishi Guest House in Lake Nakuru. It was a fun family vacation for my parents-in-law’s 40th anniversary. The husband got some amazing shots at sunrise. And about food matters, I finally got round to making a baked pancake a.k.dutch baby a.k.a German Pancake. It is really simple…

How To Beat Egg Whites

Want to attempt a chiffon cake, sponge cake, lemon pancakes, or a meringue etc this weekend? What they all have in common, is that you have to beat the egg whites to stiff peaks. What? Why? (Confession: Actually I was doing a post on the orange chiffon cake but it was too long and so…

Cheesy Scrambled Eggs

I hope you had a good week.  My musings for the week involved doors.  An open door welcoming you in, or stepping out from, holds opportunities.  An experience to see or learn something new or different. Some doors make us wonder … what is on the other side?  Should I attempt to open it? Or should…